Title: Primitivo 
Author: Rose Croft 
Genre: New Adult / Dark Romance 
Series: Mendoza Family Series #2 

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It’s been said…
When life gives you lemons,
You make lemonade.
I know that drill by heart.

When life gives you eternal love,
You take it and hold on forever.

When your love gives you a child,
You cherish and protect him with all
Your heart.

When your heart gets crushed,
You reconstruct it with steel.

It’s also been said…
There’s a thin line between love and hate,
I’d say…you have no idea.

Title: Cabezón (The Mendoza Family, #1)
Author: Rose Croft 

Rose Croft is a wannabe poet and a writer in her own mind. She's a wife and mom to a beautiful daughter and lives her own happily ever after.
